Consumer Behavior
About the Course
Topics Covered
Internal & external motivations
Customer experience
Attention, perceptions, & behavioral Learning
Personality and emotions
Consumer decision making
Consumer culture & family dynamics
Course Projects
Consequences of Consumption Presentation. Students take a look at unintended consequences of seemingly "ordinary" consumption behaviors, while also providing a devil's advocate argument. Topics include:
Single use plastics
Fashion fashion
Using credit cards... and more!
Case study analyses via Harvard Business Publishing:
Drinkworks: Home Bar by Keurig
Aspire Food Group: Marketing a Cricket Protein Brand
Pillsbury Cookie Challenge
How I Built This podcast. Throughout the semester, students choose several episodes of their liking to listen to and reflect on. Students explore the way entrepreneurs identify gaps in the market and work to change consumer behavior patterns towards the success of their enterprise.
Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely. Students explore the world of behavioral economics and reflect on their own irrational behaviors.
Course Time
Monday & Wednesday 1:00p - 2:20p
Knauss Center for
Business Education